Complaint is by
sufferer patient...
Fake Doc surrenders before cops
Times of India – dated – 13.5.2010
In the blog of title Quacks in Medical Field in India …I have tried to differentiate or classify quacks under six headings.
But the Fake doc is the new entity…I have unnoticed till today.
He is rather self-claimed scientist…so may be dignifying himself more than a doctor…if he has really has invented some thing.
His practice of medicine is so flourishing that …according to news…he has paid rupees 200 millions as tax.

So the income he has made is beyond the imagination.
Another news paper in Marathi…mentions that…his patient or clients were big shot.
I am not writing this post to take any review on particular case as matter is still not resolved.
What is wrong? What is legal? Is not my topic…though I am concerned about it.
My only intention is…the social aspect.
The poor…villagers…are one time can be excused for taking treatment from quacks as there may not be suitable option or they are in one way ignorant and some times innocents.
But how one can expect…the rich peoples…well educated peoples…are also getting attracted or involved in this type of scandal?
And finally…
A complaint has been launched by one of his patient…and not by any qualified doctor.
So the favorer of quacks are not able to say…the doctors are jealous on quacks as they are competitors of them.