Quacks in Medical profession is neglected issue...

Rather they do practice medicine in more prestigious way than Registered Medical Professional and they are not supposed to follow any rules and regulations.


These are quacks…or may be called as consultants among quacks…as they mainly do consulting practice.
They book a room in lodge and that room in Lodge is their temporary address.
These quacks give advertise in news papers and or on TV cable…
These quacks love to take appointment by mobile phone calls…rather that is their main peculiarity.
The days of these quacks visit are fixed like one or two days in a month…
These quacks take advantage of patient’s sentiments…as many are shy to report sexual problems…to a family physician.
And many are attracted by their advertisement…of cure of chronic conditions like diabetes.
In spite of all written proof…such quacks are not bothered by any authority…reasons may be the same…No complainer.