Quacks in Medical profession is neglected issue...

Rather they do practice medicine in more prestigious way than Registered Medical Professional and they are not supposed to follow any rules and regulations.


These are new development in the world of quacks in medical profession…may be old one…but…now are presenting in prestigious way…
They are not representing themselves as doctors but still practices medical therapy.
These quacks mainly practice hypnotic therapy…with out using the word.
They claim that by their advice…they can cure medical illness.
Some pretends that they make you to enter in to your past or previous life…and by that experience…they conclude something…which…gives you solution to your psychological problem or even chronic medical illness.
They are entertained by some TV channels by giving them entry for debate on their mastery…though the debate all ways exposes them…but may also work as good advertisement way for them.

They advertise on TV channels…news papers…Rich persons are their clients…and their charges are heavy.
These modern quacks are well educated…with good personality…high standard of living…with laptop and all modern ways…
So there are number of ways to practice medicines easily in India….though it is not legal.
Since they are not banned…no one can stop them.
These Recent Quacks…are prestigious one…nobody in India even think of an action against them.